the hidden seat of power
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#3 - Sweet Dreams
#4 - Dark Entry
#5 - Face Off
#6 - FTD: Fight Till The Death
#7 - Quick Kicks
#8 - Sweet Vengeance
#9 - Hunted
#10 - Lady's Day Out
He crossed the line.
Length: 4:04 / 3 credits 11861 views, 87% hyped it
The streets just got rougher.
Length: 2:52 / 3 credits 8679 views, 87% hyped it
Harassment goes wrong.
Length: 2:58 / 2 credits 7826 views, 68% hyped it
Only one will survive. Featuring the brutal beauty of Jane Chi.
Length: 2:04 / 4 credits 9771 views, 73% hyped it
Wrong house. Wrong girl. Jane Chi is on fire.
Length: 3:48 / 2 credits 16745 views, 92% hyped it
Sometimes an easy target fights back.
Length: 2:51 / 3 credits 20864 views, 79% hyped it
Patra owns the crown.
Length: 1:22 / 1 credit 4171 views, 100% hyped it
Mankah gets rough at the gym.
Length: 1:52 / 2 credits 3870 views, 100% hyped it
Raven makes a splash.
Length: 3:04 / 2 credits 3448 views, 100% hyped it
Mankah punches through trouble.
Length: 1:18 / 1 credit 18111 views, 100% hyped it
Christin works up a sweat.
Length: 3:21 / 3 credits 3134 views, 100% hyped it
Lovely Miatta is out of control.
Length: 2:00 / 2 credits 3497 views, 100% hyped it
The way to vengeance runs red.
Length: 2:54 / 2 credits 8201 views, 83% hyped it
Miss T simply destroys.
Length: 2:19 / 4 credits 2504 views, 100% hyped it
Nisa thirsts for trouble.
Length: 2:47 / 3 credits 3853 views, 100% hyped it
Tahira teaches a painful lesson.
Length: 1:02 / 1 credit 2066 views, 100% hyped it
Tahira zeros in on her target.
Length: 1:26 / 1 credit 2419 views, 100% hyped it
Jane Chi shows up for work.
Length: 4:01 / 4 credits 15963 views, 88% hyped it
Ejita springs into action.
Length: 1:11 / 1 credit 2928 views, 100% hyped it
Tahira breaks his back.
Length: 1:09 / 1 credit 2526 views, 100% hyped it
Halimah takes him down.
Length: 3:03 / 1 credit 3059 views, 100% hyped it
Tinuke is on fire.
Length: 2:01 / 3 credits 5370 views, 100% hyped it
Mankah faces a surprise attacker.
Length: 56 seconds / 1 credit 1626 views, 100% hyped it
Her fury awakens. Beware.
Length: 3:47 / 3 credits 7385 views, 92% hyped it
Don't mess with Mankah.
Length: 1:56 / 1 credit 3570 views, 100% hyped it
Yvette raises the stakes.
Length: 2:02 / 3 credits 3344 views, 100% hyped it
Miatta takes control.
Length: 2:02 / 1 credit 2083 views, 100% hyped it
Sweet but deadly.
Length: 2:18 / 1 credit 2625 views, 100% hyped it
Sweet fight.
Length: 42 seconds / 1 credit 4159 views, 100% hyped it
Black Girl Superhero returns with a vengeance.
Length: 2:39 / 4 credits 19736 views, 100% hyped it
When the hunted becomes the hunter.
Length: 4:13 / 4 credits 8388 views, 88% hyped it
Bad boys beware.
Length: 2:52 / 4 credits 11942 views, 100% hyped it
Strength in Numbers.
Length: 3:09 / 4 credits 12201 views, 100% hyped it
His crime does not pay.
Length: 1:07 / 3 credits 13073 views, 100% hyped it
Three helpings of justice served steaming hot.
Length: 12:19 / 10 credits 2980 views, 100% hyped it
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Three helpings of justice served steaming hot.10 Credits / Preview
Her fury awakens. Beware. 3 Credits / Preview
The way to vengeance runs red.2 Credits / Preview
Sometimes an easy target fights back.3 Credits / Preview
Wrong house. Wrong girl. Jane Chi is on fire.2 Credits / Preview
Only one will survive. Featuring the brutal beauty of Jane...4 Credits / Preview
Harassment goes wrong.2 Credits / Preview
The streets just got rougher.3 Credits / Preview
He crossed the line.3 Credits / Preview
His crime does not pay.3 Credits / Preview
Strength in Numbers.4 Credits / Preview
Bad boys beware.4 Credits / Preview
When the hunted becomes the hunter.4 Credits / Preview
Black Girl Superhero returns with a vengeance. 4 Credits / Preview
Sweet fight.1 Credit / Preview
Sweet but deadly. 1 Credit / Preview
Miatta takes control. 1 Credit / Preview
Yvette raises the stakes. 3 Credits / Preview
Don't mess with Mankah. 1 Credit / Preview
Mankah faces a surprise attacker.1 Credit / Preview
Tinuke is on fire. 3 Credits / Preview
Halimah takes him down. 1 Credit / Preview
Tahira breaks his back. 1 Credit / Preview
Ejita springs into action.1 Credit / Preview
Jane Chi shows up for work.4 Credits / Preview
Tahira zeros in on her target.1 Credit / Preview
Tahira teaches a painful lesson. 1 Credit / Preview
Nisa thirsts for trouble. 3 Credits / Preview
Miss T simply destroys.4 Credits / Preview
Lovely Miatta is out of control.2 Credits / Preview
Christin works up a sweat.3 Credits / Preview
Mankah punches through trouble.1 Credit / Preview
Raven makes a splash. 2 Credits / Preview
Mankah gets rough at the gym.2 Credits / Preview
Patra owns the crown.1 Credit / Preview